These some of major key players
involved in the WorldCom scandal:

Buford “Buddy” Yates – He was the former director of accounting at WorldCom. He was charged and sentenced to 1 year and 1 day in prison for his role in the scandal.

Betty Vinson – She was the former
director of corporate accounting at WorldCom.
She was sentenced to five months in prison for her role in the scandal. (Bennett,

Troy Normand – He was a former
accountant for WorldCom. He was
sentenced to 3 years probation for his role in the scandal. (Bennett,

John Sidgmore – He was vice chairman
of the board until 2002 when Ebbers resigned.
He then became WorldCom’s new CEO.
He was never charged in the accounting scandal and maintains that he was
not involved in the finances of the company in many years. He did publicly apologize on behalf of
WorldCom for its behavior and vowed to see that those involved are punished. (Obituary, 2003)
Cynthia Cooper – Chief Internal
Auditor of WorldCom. She brought the
accounting discrepancies that she and her team found to the attention of
Sullivan, Arthur Anderson LLP, Myers and many more throughout the company. She was told to ignore the issue. She conducted her own audit of the company in
comparison to the Arthur Anderson audit.
With the help of her team, she “blew the whistle” on the scandal at
WorldCom to their audit committee in Washington D.C. (Carozza, 2008) (2005, August 11). Sullivan
gets five years for WorldCom fraud. Retrieved from AccountancyAge: (2006, July 31). WorldCom boss
loses appeal. Retrieved from AccountancyAge:
Bennett, J. (2005, August). Third Ex World Com
Exec. Jailed. Retrieved from AccountancyAge:
Carozza, D. (2008, March/April). Extraordinary
Circumstances: An Interview with Cynthia Cooper. Retrieved from Fraud
Frontline. (2003, May 8). The Wall Street Fix.
Retrieved from
Hawkes, A. (2008, April 16). Worldcom auditors
settle SEC charges. Retrieved from AccountancyAge:
McClam, E. (2009, February 11). Former WorldCom
Exec Gets Prison. Retrieved from
Obituary. (2003, December 14). John Sidgmore, 52;
Helped Reveal WorldCom Scandal. Retrieved from Los Angeles Times:
U.S. Telecommunications Company WorldCom Says It Hid
$3.8 Billion in Expenses; Write-down Is Largest in U.S. History; Other
Developments. (2002, June 27).
Retrieved from Facts on File World News Digest database: